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Sincerely yours, Esad Nuhanovic Chief Manager 137 Korištenje 1 P št MRRM d. As soon as we have more details, we will inform you. He has been earning a lot of money in this business ever since.

We have sent you the copy of The Winning Force. Puno hvala na saradnji. The responds to his survey confirmed that the products were good, the prices reasonable and the service excellent. It is obvious from their order that they asked for certain services.

Poslovna pisma - Nadamo se da će Vam se ovaj paket pokazati korisnim, te se veselimo našoj budućoj saradnji. Ulica je prljava, bez drveća, sa psima lutalicama i tek kojom ljudskom prilikom.

Poslovna pisma Autor: Grupa autora Recenzija: Prof. Sabaheta Šišić Izdavač: Amax bmr d. Za izdavača: Mahir Muftić Urednik: Advija Muftić Desing i DTP: Rihad Čovčić Lektor: Edisa Čolaković — Alajmović Štampa: Štamparija Prosperitet, Sarajevo Copyright © Amax bmr d. Grupa autora Poslovna pisma Bussines Letters Sarajevo 2006. Ona ne daje obrasce i gotava rješenja za razne situacije u raznim administrativnim službama od organa državne uprave, do stručnih službi preduzeća i njihovih asocijacija do organa pravosuđa i brojnih privatnih agencija, nego samo OGLEDNE PRIMJERE; Na toj liniji ovaj priručnik pretpostavlja i insistira na keativnom pristupu. Istina u mnogim situacijama biće dovoljno upisati ime organizacije, odnosno organa, broj i datum, ime i prezime onoga na koga se odnosi i drugo, ali u drugim slučajevima ovi primjeri će poslužiti samo kao shema, putokaz za kreiranje vlastitih rješenja; Važno je primijetiti da u praktičnoj primjeni SISTEMATIKA ove knjige omugućuje lahko i jednostavno snalaženje i pronalaženje odgovora na pitanje koje se praktičaru konkretno postavlja — treba samo da pogleda abecedno i pojmovno uređen registar i da odmah nađe ono što ga zanima. Sabaheta Šišić 5 1 Sadržaj Contents Sadržaj SADRŽAJ 1. Izvinjenje zbog pretjerane reakcije.................................................................................. An Apology because of Overreaction............................................................................. Razbijanje glasina o financijskom stanju posla........................................................... Negating Rumours about the Financial State of the Business............................... A Notice about Serious Overstepping of Payment Deadilne................................. A Notice about the Intention to Start a Law Suit........................................................ A Notice to the Customer with a Newlly-opened Account..................................... Unofficial Notice to the Customer about the Discount for an Earlier Order.......................................................................................................................... A Notice about Running Late Due to Circumstances Outside our Supervision.......................................................................................................................... A Notice about the Need to Fire Some Employees.................................................... A Notice to the Employee about the Credit from the Company........................... A Notice to an Employee about the Right to Use Maternity Leave Compensation.......................................................................................... A Notice to the Representative about the Price Change......................................... A Letter to the Media about the Products Withdrawn from Sale.......................... A Notice about the Change of the Bank Account....................................................... A Notice to the New Supplier about Your Terms and Conditions......................... Informing the Supplier about the Changes in Terms and Conditions................ A Notice to the Supplier about the Delivery................................................................ A Warning to the Supplier about the Missing Products........................................... A Notice to the Supplier about the Return of the Commodities........................... An Advice to the Customer about the best product................................................. A Notice to the Customer about Ceasing the Deliveries.......................................... A Notice about a Approaching Payment....................................................................... A Notice to the Employees about Moving to New Buildings................................. Explaining the Overdue on the Account....................................................................... Prihvaćanje poziva za govor na sastanku...................................................................... Već nekoliko godina nagovaram našeg direktora da naš sistem upravljanja kvalitetom podvrgnemo postupku provjere radi dobivanja potvrde o kvalitetu, pa se iskreno nadam da će ga ova vijest potaknuti na ponovno razmišljanje o cijeloj toj zamisli. Pročitao sam šta takav postupak uključuje i znam da je potreban ogroman napor cijelog tima da bi se postigao takav standard i da bi se shvatila vrijednost tog dostignuća. Nadam se da Vam se ulaganje u kvalitet standarda obilato isplaćuje, ne samo u smislu poboljšanog proizvoda, već i kao mamac za potencijalne kupce. To će Vas zasigurno održati na vrhu popisa dobavljača s kojima ćemo najradije sarađivati. Veselim se nastavku naše uspješne saradnje u budućnosti. S poštovanjem, Dejan Šimić Direktor nabavke 20 Congratulations Dear Sir: I received your letter this morning and I would like to be the first one to congratulate you for being given the accreditation for ISO 9001. I have been bothering our manager for a few years to check our quality management system in order to get the quality confirmation, so I sincerely hope that this news will inspire him to reconsider the whole idea. I have read what such a process includes and I know that it requires the effort of the whole team to achieve such a standard and to understand the value of that achievement. I hope that your investment in the quality standard is profitable, not only in the sense of product improvement, but also as bait for potential customers. That will surely keep you at the top of the list of suppliers I intend to cooperate with. I am looking forward to continuing our successful cooperation in the future. Sincerely, Dejan Simic Supply Manager 21 Čestitke Predmet: Nagrada komercijalist godine 2006. Poštovani Damire, čestitam Vam na osvajanju nagrade komercijalist godine. Znam da je Vaša prodaja u iznosu od 120. Osim što je to najveća vrijednost ikada zabilježena od strane jednog terenskog komercijaliste koji radi za naše preduzeće, povećanje od 21% u odnosu na prošlu godinu najveće je procentualno povećanje koje je ikad postignuto. Ove godine prvi put pokazujemo da smo preduzeće broj jedan u našem području, a Vaši su izuzetni napori bili odlučan faktor u promjeni našeg položaja na tržištu. Nadam se da ćete sljedeće godine postići još više rekorda. I know that your sale amounting to 120. Apart from being the greatest value ever recorded for a commercialist working for our firm, the 21% increase in comparison with the last year is also the greatest percentage increase ever achieved. We are showing for the first time this year, that we are the firm number one in our field, and your exceptional efforts have been the deciding factor in the change of our position on the market. I hope that you will achieve even greater records next year. Sincerely, Kadric Esad Sales Manager 23 Čestitke Predmet: Menadžer godine Poštovana gospođice Kemala, bio sam oduševljen kad sam čuo da ste proglašeni menadžerom godine za najbolje menadžersko ostvarenje godine. Ovo je prvi put da je neko iz našeg preduzeća osvojio ovu uglednu nagradu — to je sjajno dostignuće, lično i profesionalno. Moje je oduševljenje tim veće što je ova nagrada udarac našim konkurentima, koji predugo sjede na oblacima. Ova Vaša nagrada i meni osobno i preduzeću znači mnogo. Već se veselim svim novim klijentima koji će pokucati na naša vrata. Vaš je rad postao putokazom za cijeli sektor i postavio odrednice rada novog doba — rada za koji se nadam i vjerujem da će se održati još dugo vremena. S poštovanjem, Damir Rajić Tehnički direktor 24 Congratulations Dear Madam: I was delighted to hear that you were declared the Manager of the Year for the best managerial achievement. This has been the first time that someone from our firm has received this great prize-it is your great achievement, both personal and professional. My delight is even bigger because your prize is a blow for our competitors, who have been sitting on the clouds for too long. I am looking forward to all new clients who will be knocking at our door. Your work has become a road sign for the whole sector and it has set the directions for the work of the new age-the work I hope and believe will sustain for a long time. Sincerely, Rajic Damir Technical Manager 25 Poslovna pisma 26 Davanje Giving Davanje Predmet: XY d. Poštovani gospodine Redžić, na temelju mog dopisa od 23. Iz njihove je narudžbe vidljivo da su od nas zatražili pružanje određenih usluga. Prilažemo i naš račun, s datumom 11. Naš obrazac za ocjenu zadovoljstva kupaca, koji su ispunili 28. Molimo Vas da poduzmete potrebne korake u svrhu naplate dugovanja, uključujući i sudsku tužbu. Poznato mi je da ćemo, čak i ako se donese pravomoćna presuda u našu korist, morati poduzeti daljnje korake kako bismo sudsku odluku proveli u djelo. S poštovanjem, Mladen Ivanković Finansijski direktor 28 Giving Subject: XY d. Dear Sir: Based on my letter dated December 23. It is obvious from their order that they asked for certain services. We are sending you our receipt, dated October 11. I am asking you to take the necessary steps to ask for the debt to be paid, including the charges for the lawsuit. I am aware that we shall, even if you rule in our favor, have to take further action to bring our lawsuit into force. Sincerely, Mladen Ivankovic Finance Manager 29 Davanje Predmet: Procjena objekta Ul. Hiseta 66 Poštovani gospodine Ivić, obavještavamo Vas da je prihvaćena naša ponuda za kupovinu objekta na gore navedenoj adresi za 160. Prihvaćam Vašu cijenu od 1. Malo me brinu neki nedostaci na objektu. Siguran sam da ćete ih primijetiti, ali bih Vam ih ipak rado spomenuo. Mala kancelarija u zadnjem dijelu zgrade osjeti se na vlagu. Pretpostavljam da neko vrijeme nije bio korišten, ali bih Vas zamolio da ga pregledate i predložite nam potrebne popravke. Također, se čini da u gornjoj kancelariji na prednjoj strani zgrade postoje tragovi vode, uz sam dimnjak. Je li to problem curenja ili su popravci izvršeni, ali zid nije nanovo okrečen? S poštovanjem, Adil Salihović Direktor 30 Giving Subject: The evaluatuion of the estate Hiseta 66 Dear Sir: We are informing you that you offer for the purchase of the above mention estate at the given address had been accepted at the price of 160. I am accepting your price of 1. I am worried by some deficiencies at the estate. I am sure you will notice, but I would gladly mention it to you. A small office at the back of the building has damp smell. I suppose it has not been used for some time, but I would ask you to examine that and suggest the necessary measures. It also seems that in the upper office at the front of the building there are traces of water, close to the chimney. Is there a problem with leaking or have there already been some repairs, but the wall has not been painted yet? We are expecting your report. Sincerely, Adil Salihovic Manager 31 Davanje Poštovani gospodine Will, drago mi je da Vam na Vaš upit mogu odgovoriti ponudom traženih proizvoda. Svi su u dobrom stanju. Ne mogu Vam dati sveukupnu cijenu dok ne saznam šta sve trebate, jer ćemo morati dodati troškove prijevoza i pakiranja. Molim Vas, javite mi želite li dostavu zračnim ili brodskim prijevozom. Imajući na umu veličinu nekih od traženih proizvoda, brodski bi prijevoz bio jeftiniji. Mašine za fotokopiranje 850,00 USD po komadu. IBM mašine za kucanje, nova moderna elektronika, 360,00 USD po komadu. Olympia mašine za kucanje 300,00 USD po komadu. Telefaks aparati —375,00 USD po komadu. Molim Vas da mi svoje zahtjeve javite što prije, jer imamo dosta isporuka van granica naše zemlje. Unaprijed se veselim našoj budućoj saradnji. S poštovanjem, Dejan Softić Direktor marketinga 32 Giving Dear Sir: I am glad to be able to respond to your inquiry with the offer of the requested products. All of them are in good condition. I cannot give you the overall price until I find out all that you need, because we will have to add the transport and package expenses. I am asking you to inform me whether you want the goods to be sent by air or by ship. Having in mind the size of some required products, I thing the shipment would be cheaper. Photocopying machine 850, 00 USD a piece 2. IBM typing machines, new modern electronics, 360, 00 USD a piece 3. Olympia typing machines 300, 00 USD a piece 4. Telefax machines 375, 00 USD a piece I am asking you to send your requests as soon as possible, because we have a lot of deliveries abroad. I am looking forward to our future cooperation. Sincerely, Dejan Softic Marketing Manager 33 Davanje Predmet: Preporuka Admir Rovčanin počeo je raditi kao pomoćnik finansijskog direktora u našem preduzeća u augustu 1999. Nakon nekoliko mjeseci postalo je jasno da je sposobn preuzeti mnogo veće odgovornosti, te je stoga u julu 2000. Kao finansijski direktor bio je zadužen za finansije kompletne firme. Pratio je sve faze od najmanje narudžbe do plaćanja najvećih računa. Bio je odgovorn za rad kompletnog finansijskog sisteme u našoj firmi. Admir je vrlo pažljiv radnik, ali, također, ima u vidu komercijalnu stranu posla, te stoga vrlo brzo prepoznaje potrbu za ulaganjma koji će firmi donijeti dobit, ali i mogućnost širenje posla. Ima izvrsno oko za pojedinosti, a isto tako odlično surađuje s različitim ljudima i zna ih motivirati za posao. Vrlo je ljubazn u ophođenju s ljudima, otvoren i druželjubiv. No isto tako, kad je trebalo, znao je izvući oružje iz korica za teške pregovore i nije uzmicao ni za pedalj u trenucima kad je takvo ponašanje bilo važno. Zbog uvjeta na tržištu i promjene vrste poslovanja, Admira smo morali proglasiti tehnološkim viškom. Moram reći da smo to napravili teška srca i da će nam Admir i njigov pozitivan doprinos jako nedostajati. Iskreno preporučujem Admira Rovčanina za sličnu ili čak odgovorniju funkciju, koja će za njega predstavljati uzbudljiv izazov. Senad Brkić Direktor i vlasnik 34 Giving Subject: Recommendation Dear Sir: Admir Rovcanin started working as the Finance Manager Assistant in our company in August 1999. After a few months it became obvious that he was capable of handling much greater responsibility, so in July 2000. As the Finance Manager in charge of the finances of the whole firm, he went through all the phases from the smallest order to the paying of the biggest bills. He was responsible for the work of the whole finance system in our company. Admir is a careful employee, but having in mind the commercial side of the job, he quickly recognizes the need for investments that can be profitable, with the possibility of expanding the business. He has an eye for details, and excellent cooperation with different sorts of people and he knows how to motivate them for work. He is very kind in communication, outgoing and sociable. However, he might be capable of handling difficult negotiations and he had never stepped back when such behavior was needed. Because of the market conditions and the change of our business, Admir lost his position. We did not lose him willingly and we shall miss his positive contribution. I sincerely recommend Admir Rovcanin for similar or even more responsible position, which can only be an exciting challenge for him. Sincerely, Senad Brkic Manager and Owner 35 Davanje Predmet: Pomoć za naplatu duga Poštovani gospodine Dedić, hvala Vam što ste pristali zastupati nas u postupku naplate duga od preduzeća Kironn d. U prilogu dostavljam potpisanu punomoć, kojaVam daje ovlasti da poduzmete što god je razumno potrebno u svrhu naplate našeg potraživanja. Dakako, željeli bismo izbjeći nepotrebne troškove, ali s obzirom da je visina duga gotovo 100. Koliko mi je poznato, ovaj bi iznos trebao biti dovoljan i garantuje nam da će se predmet okončati na naše zadovoljstvo. Molim Vas da me redovno obavještavate o tome kako napreduju pregovori. S poštovanjem, Enes Smajlagić Direktor 36 Giving Subject: Authorisation for Debt Payment Dear Sir: I would like to thank you for representing us in the case for the debt retrieval from the company Kirron from Banja Luka. I am sending you the signed approval, which authorizes you to take whatever necessary steps to retrieve that debt. We would certainly like to avoid the unnecessary costs, concerning the fact that the debt amounts to almost 100. We are ready to pay 10. As far as I know. This amount of money should be sufficient and it guarantees that the case will end to our satisfaction. We are asking you to inform us regularly as to how the negotiations are progressing. Sincerely, Enes Smajlagic Manager 37 Dogovaranje Agreements Dogovaranje Predmet: Pravilnik o disciplini Poštovani gospodine Suljkić, podsjećam Vas da smo na našem zadnjem sastanku dogovorili kako će se osnovati radna grupa za promjenu Pravilnika o disciplini, s obzirom na nedavne slučajeve. Prvi sastanak ove radne skupine bit će u srijedu, 3. Nadam se da ćete se odazvati ovom pozivu. U prilogu dostavljam dnevni red sastanka. S poštovanjem, Milan Semiz Kadrovski odjel 40 Agreements Subject: The Discipline Rulebook Dear Sir: I am reminding you that we agreed at our last meeting to found the working group for the change of the Discipline Rulebook, considering the latest cases. The first meeting of this working group will be held on Wednesday, March 3, 2006. I hope you will be able to come to the meeting. I am also sending you the meeting agenda. Sincerely, Milan Semiz Personnel Department 41 Dogovaranje Bez pravne obaveze Predmet: Odštetni zahtjev Poštovani gospodine, slijedom Vašeg odštetnog zahtjeva zbog lošeg kvaliteta drveta koje vam je isporučeno prošlog mjeseca spremni smo ponuditi sljedeće: 1. Povrat novca u visini cijene drveta. Novčana naknada za vrijeme izgubljeno čekajući novu pošiljku. Troškovi prijevoza i telefona. Dodatni popust od 10% na kompletnu pošiljku. OvaseponudatemeljinauvjetudajetimenagodbauvezisVašimpotraživanjem potpuna i konačna. Prihvaćate li ove uvjete, molim Vas da to potvrdite svojim potpisom na dnu dopisa i vratite nam jednu kopiju na gore navedenu adresu. Tada ćemo Vam proslijediti pošiljku sa svim gore navedenim. S poštovanjem, Bašić Esad Direktor 42 Agreements Without legal obligation Subject: The Refund Claim Dear Sir: Considering your refund claim due to the poor quality of the wood that was delivered to you last month we are ready to offer these to you: 1. Money return at the price of the wood 2. Money refund for the time lost waiting for the new delivery 3. The transport and telephone expenses 4. The additional discount of 10 % for the complete delivery This offer is based on the condition that the deal concerning your claim will be complete and final. If you accept all these conditions, we are asking you to confirm that with your signature at the bottom of the list and to send us back one copy at the above written address. Then, we will do you the above listed delivery. Sincerely, Esad Basic Manager 43 Informisanje Information Informisanje Predmet:Dopis inspekciskoj službi s priloženom listom pakovanja Poštovana gospodo, u vezi s gore navedenim, prilažem dvije kopije liste pakovanja. Nadam se da će to pomoći Vašem inspektoru. Kao što sam već ranije rekla, očekujemo da ćete pregled izvršiti u sedmici koja počinje krajem decembra, kako bismo robu mogli dostaviti do početka 2006. Puno hvala na saradnji. Elizabeta Klaić Odjel izvoza 46 Information Subject: The letter to the inspection service with the required packaging list Dear Madam: Concerning the above-mentioned subject, I am sending you two copies of the packaging list. I hope that it wil help your manager. As I have already said, we expect the examination to be done in the first week of December, so that we could deliver the goods until the beginning of the year 2006. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Elizabeta Klaic Export Department 47 Informisanje Poštovani gospodine Novak, kao preduzeće koje nastoji pružiti visoku razinu usluge, želimo u svakom trenutku biti upoznati s Vašim potrebama i mišljenjima o proizvodima koje proizvodimo i prodajemo. Bila bih Vam mnogo zahvalna kada biste ispunili priloženi upitnik. Tako ćete nam pomoći da održimo visok standard i kvalitet svojih proizvoda i usluga. Kao zahvalu za Vaše vrijeme, po prijemu Vašeg upitnika poslati ću Vam jednu od naših Parker hemijskih olovki vrhunske kvalitete. Veselim se Vašem odgovoru i nadam se da ćemo i dalje sarađivati s Vama. S poštovanjem, Lana Galić Direktorica marketinga 48 Information Dear Sir: As a company that is aiming to offer high quality service, we want to be informed about your needs and opinion concerning the products we produce and sell. I would be very grateful to you if you could fill in the form. You will help us keep up the high standard and the quality of our products and services. As appreciation of your time, after you have received the form, I will send you one of our Parker pencils of top quality. I am looking forward to your answer and hope to be able to continue our cooperation in the future. Sincerely, Lana Galic Marketing Manager 49 Informisanje Predmet: Tromjesečna revizija poslovanja Poštovana gospođo Novaković, obećao sam Vam poslati obavijesti o našoj knjizi narudžbi kao dio tromjesečne revizije poslovanja. Sa zadovoljstvom Vam mogu javiti da je naše stanje narudžbi 15% više nego u istom razdoblju prošle godine i da iznosi nešto više od 500. Vrijednost ponude na koje smo poslali narudžbu iznosi 648. Znamo da se 73% takvih ponuda pretvori u čvrste narudžbe. Na temelju tih brojki smatramo da je naš godišnji plan prihoda od milion, realna procjena rezultata za tekuću finansijsku godinu. Nadam se da smo Vam ovime pružili potrebne obavijesti. Budu li Vam trebale bilo kakve daljnje obavijesti, rado ćemo Vam odgovoriti. S poštovanjem, Edin Duran Direktor 50 Information Three-month business revision Dear Madam: I have promised to send you the information about our order book as part of the three-month revision. I am glad to inform you that our state of orders is 15 % more than at the same period last year and it amounts to 500. The value of the offer that we suggested was 648. We know that 73 % of such offers transforms into solid orders. Based on these figures, we think that our annual income plan amounting to one million is a realistic estimate of the results for the ongoing financial year. We hope we were able to offer you the necessary information. If you need any further information, we would be glad to help you. Sincerely, Edin Duran Manager 51 Informisanje 22. Nažalost, Vaša narudžba je još prije dva dana ušla u proizvodnju i već smo napravili 150 registratora sa spiralnim mehanizmom. Kako su oni već napravljeni po Vašim željama, s logotipom Vaše firme, morat ćemo Vas zamoliti da ih uzmete. Molio bih da mi još danas javite želite li da napravimo preostalih 350 ili novih 500, 35 milimetarskih registratora? S poštovanjem, Robert Hisur Direktor 52 Information February 22, 2006 Fax Delivery Edis Smailagic Glex d. Subject: Your Order No. Unfortunately, your order went into production two days ago and we have already made 150 registrations with the spiral mechanism. I would like to ask you to inform me today if you want us to make additional 350 or new 500, 35 mm registrations. Sincerely, Robert Hisur Manager 53 Informisanje Iznos na čeku mogao bi biti 500, 1. Zamislite što biste sve mogli učiniti sa 100. Mogli biste kupiti nov, luksuzan automobil i slobodu da odete gdje god želite, savršeno udobno. Mogli biste poći na egzotično ljetovanje svojih snova i provoditi cijele dane pijuckajući osvježavajuća pića na suncem okupanim plažama. Ili kupiti kućicu iz snova, negdje u prirodi, s vrtom ispunjenim osvježavajućim mirisom poljskog cvijeća. Novac je spreman i čeka Vaš odgovor. Ne propustite ovu izuzetnu priliku. Da biste dobili svoj novac, dovoljno će biti da nam u roku od dvije sedmice vratite karticu koja je priložena ovom dopisu. Ne morate odgovarati ni na kakva pitanja niti ispuniti bilo kakav obrazac, a pogotovo ne morate ništa od nas kupiti. Čim dobijemo Vašu karticu, smjesta ćemo Vam uplatiti novac — novac koji bi mogao biti Vaš pasoš za slobodu, pustolovinu ili, ako to želite, potpunu sigurnost. Uz novac će Vam stići i naš katalog, ali Vi ne morate od nas baš ništa kupiti kako biste dobili novac. Moći ćete ga slobodno potrošiti na bilo šta po Vašoj želji. Dakle, ne oklijevajte, ubacite karticu u sandučić već danas i upamtite, ne morate čak niti lijepiti marku na kovertu. Dakle, ne morate ništa platiti, a dobit ćete od nas novac — novac koji bi mogao biti Vaš pasoš u bolji život. S poštovanjem, Miro Ušić Voditelj promotivnih aktivnosti P. Upamtite — Vaša kartica mora stići u roku od 14 dana da biste dobili svoj novac. The amount on one cheque can be 500, 1000, 10. Imagine everything you could do with 100. You could buy a new, luxurious car and be free to travel wherever you want, perfectly comfortably. You could go on an exotic trip of your dreams and spend the whole days sipping refreshing drinks at sunbathed beaches. Or even buy the house of your dreams, somewhere in the country, with a garden filled with the smell of field flowers. The money is ready and we are waiting for your answer. Do not miss such a chance. If you want to receive the money, it is enough to send us back the card we sent you in two weeks time. You do not have to answer any questions or fill in any forms, and you do not have to buy anything from us. As soon as we receive your card, we will put the money onto your accountthe money that could be your passport to freedom, adventure, or if you want, complete safety. With the money, you will receive our catalogue, but you do not have to buy anything from us in order to get the prize money. You are free to spend that money any way you want. So, do not hesitate, put the card into the mailbox today and remember, you do not even have to put a stamp onto the envelope. Therefore, you do not have to pay for anything, and you will receive money from us-the money that could be a passport to a better life. What can you lose? Sincerely, Miro Usic Promotional Activities Leader P. Remember-Your card had to arrive before two weeks expire in order for you to receive the money. Poštovana gospođo Macić, hvala Vam za dopis koje sam dobio jutros. Obavijesti koje tražite su sljedeće: 1. Potvrđujem da sam do kraja 2004. Nakon toga Bluebird je zamijenjen Nissanom Primera, po cijeni od 10. Tijekom tog razdoblja, u svrhu obavljanja poslova, prešao sam između 2. Korištenje vozila u privatne svrhe neznatno platio sam lično. Preduzeće mi nije plaćalo privatno zdravstveno osiguranje. Putni troškovi - uključujućiavionske karte, najam automobila i taksi-usluge isključujući troškove benzina u iznosu od 500,00 KM - bili su 1. Tome treba pridodati 2. To ne uključuje hotelske troškove. Troškovi reprezentacije iznosili su 888,00 KM. Preduzeće mi nije plaćalo kućni telefon, jer imam posebnu telefonsku liniju. Jedini dodatni troškovi, koji su išli na račun preduzeća, troškovi su mirovinskog osiguranja za mene i Nenu Zulića tajnik preduzeća. Također, dostavljam kopiju obrasca 7P. S poštovanjem, Adnan Hrgović Direktor 56 Information Subject: Form 12 — The end of the financial year Dear Madam: I would like to thank you for the letter I received this morning. Here is the information you asked for: 1. I confirm that until the end of 2004. I was driving Nissan Bluebird the first registration November 2004. After that, Nissan Primera replaced Nissan Bluebird; at the price of 10. During this period, due to business, I crossed between 2. I paid myself for the use of this vehicle for private purposes. The company did not pay for my private health insurance. Transport expenses-including airplane tickets, car rent and taxi services excluding the gas expenses amounting to 500, 00 KM — were 1. We should include the additional 2. It does not include the hotel expenses. The company representation expenses were 888, 00 KM. The company did not pay for my private home telephone number, because I have additional telephone line. I do not possess a mobile phone. I am also sending you the cope of the 7P form. Shvatio sam da ćete Vi obavijestiti osiguravajuće društvo i zamoliti ih da pošalju jednog od svojih procjenitelja na procjenu štete. Iako je vatra oštetila jedino istočni dio skladišta, nažalost, čini se da je i ostatak naše zalihe pretrpio oštećenja od dima, te da se stoga ne može prodati. Procjenjujem da je vrijednost izgubljene robe otprilike 20. Upravo iz našeg računara vadimo podatke o vrijednosti robe, a tačnije ću Vam podatke javiti u skorije vrijeme. I have understood that you would inform the insurance company and ask them to send one of their estimators to estimate the damage. Although the fire destroyed only the eastern part of the warehouse, it seems that the rest of our supplies suffered some damage due to the smoke, so these supplies cannot be sold. We estimate that the value of the lost goods is approximately from 20. We are extracting information from our computer about the exact value of the goods, and I will send you this information as soon as possible. Sincerely, Ivan Stankic Manager 59 Informisanje Predmet: Vaš račun br. Naši podaci nam govore kako je ta narudžba poslana drugom dobavljaču. Pregledao sam sve narudžbenice kako bih vidio odgovara li koja takvoj narudžbi, ali nisam uspio naći niti jednu. Bio bih Vam zahvalan kada biste pregledali svoje podatke i, ako je moguće, poslali mi kopiju originalne narudžbenice. S poštovanjem, Srečko Mirić Direktor 60 Information Subject: Your account No. Our information says that this order was sent to another supplier. I checked all the orders to see if any one of them refers to that order, but I was unable to find one. I would be thankful if you could check all the information, and, if possible, send me the copy of the original order. Sincerely, Srecko Miric Manager 61 Informisanje Poštovani gospodine Vatrica, niste se odazvali našim prethodnim pozivima za izmirenje duga u iznosu 1348,00 KM. Nadamo se da nam se više nikad nećete javiti. S poštovanjem, Selver Hofić Direktor finansija 62 Information Dear Sir: You have not replies to any of our previous calls to pay the debt of 1. I hope you will never contact us again. Sincerely, Selver Honic Financial Manager 63 Informisanje Poštovana gospođo Senjak, po Vašem zahtjevu za preporuku od banke, dostavljamo Vam podatke o našoj banci: CBBanka d. Vlasnik računa: Ambbra d. Broj poslovnice: 61-10-24 Broj računa: 87230789 S poštovanjem, Dean Vladić, Voditelj računovodstva 64 Information Dear Madam: At your request for the bank recommendation, I am sending you the information about our bank. The account owner: Ambbra d. The number of our business post: 61-10-24 The number of our account: 87230789 Sincerely, Dean Vladic Accounting Leader 65 Informisanje prije dvanaest mjeseci Srđan je osnovao svoje preduzeće za direktnu isporuku vrtlarskih proizvoda krajnjim korisnicima. U prvih je šest mjeseci sve izgledalo dobro. Odaziv na njegove reklame rastao je iz sedmice u sedmicu, a broj narudžbi premašio je njegov plan za 15%. Na nesreću po Srđana, u vrtu nije sve bilo kao u raju. Porast poslovanja uveliko je ovisio o stalnim kupcima. Jedino je tako Srđan mogao pokriti visoke troškove oglašavanja u skupim časopisima. Nažalsot, Srđan nije imao velik broj stalnih kupaca koji bi mu se iznova vraćali. Isprva mu nije bilo jasno što se događa. Asortiman proizvoda sadržavao je upravo ono što su kupci tražili, po cijenama koje su bile konkurentne, a usluga je bila bez premca. Stvari su sjele na svoje mjesto tek pošto je Srđan proveo istraživanje tržišta. Odgovori na njegove upitnike potvrdili su da su proizvodi dobri, cijene povoljne, a usluga izvrsna. Ono što je Srđan ostalo skriveno bila je usluga dostave. Njegovi su kupci smatrali da na proizvode čekaju predugo. Stoga bi, umjesto da proizvode naruče od njega, odjurili u najbliži vrtni centar i nabavili što im treba. Srđan je smjesta otkazao ugovor dostavnoj službi koju je dotada koristio. Potom je, nakon razgovora s iskusnim prijateljem, unajmio preduzeće Alpha, jer smo mi jedino takvo preduzeće koje garantuje, ne samo pravovremenu dostavu, već i naknadu štete koja bi proizašla iz kašnjenja. Srđan sad puno bolje spava, a nama je i to poticaj za pravovremenu dostavu. Srđan je sretan što konačno vidi iste kupce kako mu se vraćaju. Želite li se pridružiti Srđanu i pomoći svom preduzeću da raste i cvjeta, razmislite o preduzeću Alpha - profesionalnom izboru za profesionalce. Nazovite nas bez ikakvih obaveza. S poštovanjem, Nenad Medić Direktor P. Potpišete li ugovor o pokusnoj saradnji do kraja juna, prvih sedam dana imate pravo na usluge u pola cijene! During the first six months, everything seemed fine. The reply to his advertisements rose from one week into another, and the number of orders was 15 % bigger than planned. Unfortunately, for Srdjan, not everything in the garden was like in paradise. The rise of the business depended upon the regular customers. Only in that way could Srdjan cover the high expenses for the advertisements in expensive magazines. Unfortunately, Srdjan did not have a great number of regular customers who would keep coming back. At first, he was confused as to what was happening. The products range included just what the customers demanded, at reasonable prices, and the service was excellent. The things settled when Srdjan did the marker research. The responds to his survey confirmed that the products were good, the prices reasonable and the service excellent. What was left hidden was the delivery service. His customers thought that they were waiting too long for the deliveries. Therefore, instead of ordering the products from him, they rushed to the nearest gardening centre and bought everything they needed. Srdjan immediately cancelled the contract with eh delivery service that he had been using. Then after a conversation with an experienced friend, he hired the company Alpha, because we are the only company that guarantees not only timely delivery, but also the compensation for the damage in case of late deliveries. Srdjan now sleeps much better, and it motivates us to continue with our timely service. Srdjan is happy to see his customers coming back to him. If you want to join Srdjan and help your company flourish and grow, think about the Alpha company- a professional choice for professionals. Call us without any obligations. Sincerely, Nenad Medic Manager P. In case you sing any trial cooperation contract until the end of June, during the first seven days you are entitled to all the services at half a price. Molimo da nam robu dostavite u četvrtak, 20. Kutije složiti na palete. Adresa za dostavu: I. Erika Brandisa 63 72270 Travnik Molim da nas izvjestite o datumu isporuke što je moguće prije. Puno hvala na saradnji. S poštovanjem, Esma Fatić Odjel nabavke 70 Corrections and Apologies Subject: Our order No. We are asking you to deliver the goods on Thursday, March 20, 2006. The boxes should be lined in palettes. The delivery address: DOOM d. Bijeljina We are asking you to inform us about the delivery date as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation. MRRM niti u jednom trenutku nije bio distributer proizvoda preduzeća HIS d. Istina je da smo razgovarali o mogućnosti saradnje, no obje su se strane složile da u ovom trenutku takva saradnja ne bi bila u interesu niti jedne strane. MRRM had never been the distributor of the products of the HIS d. It is true that we discussed possible cooperation, but both sides agreed that at that moment such cooperation would not be of any interest. Sincerely, Mladen Girvic Manager 73 Ispravke i izvinjenja 16. Brodski prijevoznik izjavio je da je na brod ukrcano 58 kartonskih kutija, ali da je samo 57 vanjskih kartonskih kutija sadržavalo po 3 kutije, dok je jedna sadržavala 1 kutiju s 12 paketa razvijača G905. Prilažem ispravljenu kopiju izvornika i neprenosivu teretnicu brodskog prijevoznika. Nadam se da je sada sve u redu. Molim Vas da nam hitno pošaljete nezavisni inspekcijski izvještaj, jer našem kupcu prijeti naplata ležarine. Puno hvala na saradnji. Darko Špilek Direktor izvoza 74 Corrections and Apologies January 16, 2006 At the knowledge of: Alexander Low The number of your letter: GHA-58569 Form M. The ship transporter declared that 58 cardboards were loaded onto the ship, but that only 57 of these outside cardboards contained 3 boxes, whereas one cardboard contained 12 packages of the developer G905. I am sending you the corrected copy of the original document and the shipment document of the ship transporter. I hope that everything is all right now. I am asking you to send us urgently the independent inspection report because our customer will be obliged to pay for delayed storage of the goods. Thank you for your cooperation. Napravili smo pravi haos. Dragan je upravo štampao probni primjerak sadržaja našeg priručnika, stavio ga u korice s prstenastim mehanizmom i - ustanovio kako su korice premale! Čini se da je neko ovdje krivo protumačio količinu od 350 listova kao 350 stranica. Je li prekasno za promjenu narudžbe? Pokušavao sam Vas nazvati, ali Vam je telefon neprekidno zauzet, pa Vam stoga šaljem ovaj telefaks Molim da me hitno nazovete kako bismo o ovome porazgovarali. S poštovanjem, Dragan Todor Direktor kontrole kvaliteta 76 Corrections and Apologies August 14, 2005 Fax Delivery Bihis Holding Jasmin Delic Subject: The quality manual by a group of authors Dear Mom and Dad, What a pity! We have made a real mess. Dragan has just printed the trial sample of our manual, and put it into the ring mechanism- and realized that sheathes are too small! It seems that someone misunderstood the amount of 350 sheets are 350 pages. Is it too late to change the order? I have been trying to call you, but your line is constantly busy, so I am sending you this fax. I am asking you to call me as soon as possible so that we can discuss this matter. Sincerely, Dragan Todor Quality Control Manager 77 Ispravke i izvinjenja Poštovani gospodine Visić, šta reći? Cijena je, svakako, trebala biti 25. Činimo sve što je u našoj moći ne bismo li zvijer držali pod nadzorom, ali ona se još povremeno uspijeva otrgnuti i napraviti zbrku. Nadam se da je cijena, usprkos deseterostrukom povećanju! S poštovanjem, Admir Lisće Direktor finansija 78 Corrections and Apologies Dear Sir: What else can I say but that I am sorry! The price, of course, was supposed to be 25. We are doing everything that is in our power to keep the beast under control, but at times it manages to break through and make a mess. We hope that the price, in spite of being ten times bigger! Sincerely, Admir Lisce Financial Manager 79 Ispravke i izvinjenja Predmet: Naša narudžba Poštovana gospođice Brulić, žao mi je ako Vam ovo remeti planove, ali kupac nas je upravo obavijestio da bi htio isporuku u drugo skladište. Robu bi trebalo dostaviti na: FAO-liv d. Bosanski put 54 74250 Maglaj Nadam se da Vam ovo neće prouzrokovati prevelike neugodnosti. Puno hvala na saradnji. S poštovanjem, Feđa Kurt 80 Corrections and Apologies Subject: Our order Dear Madam: I am sorry to disturb your plans, but our customer has just informed us that he would like the goods to be delivered to a different warehouse. The goods should be delivered at: FAO-liv d. Bosanski Put 54 74 250, Maglaj I hope we have not caused you any inconveniences. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Fedja Kurt 81 Ispravke i izvinjenja Predmet: Projektor CtRl Poštovani gospodine Jukan, hvala Vam na Vašem dopisu, u kojem se raspitujete o cijeni projektora CtRl. Potvrđujem da je cijena ovog proizvoda 653,00 bez PDV-a , a ne 1. Čini se da je osoba koja je odgovorila na Vaš poziv krivo čula broj modela. Izvinjavam se zbog ove greške. Ono što ste zasigurno i sami uvidjeli je to da CtRl ima različite prednosti: čvršći je i lakši od modela CtR, a ima i kvalitetnije leće. Svi CtRl modeli imaju 12-mjesečnu garanciju. Žao mi je ako Vam je ovaj uvid prouzrokovao bilo kakvu neugodnost. U znak izvinjenja, sa zadovoljstvom Vam nudimo besplatni teleskopski pokazivač uz naručeni proizvod. S poštovanjem, Aida Zolj Direktorica prodaje 82 Corrections and Apologies Subject: Projector CtRI Dear Sir: I would like to thank you for your letter, in which you were asking for some information about the projector CtRI. I am conforming that the price of this product is 653, 00 KM without PDV and not 1. It seems that the person that answered your call did not hear the right model number. I apologize for this mistake. What you have probably realized by now is that CtRI has certain advantages: it is tougher and lighter that the model CtR and it has higher quality lenses. All CtRI models have 12-month guarantee. I am sorry if I have caused you any inconveniences. As a sing of apology, I am glad to offer you a free telescope demonstrator together with the ordered product. Sincerely, Aida Zolj Sales Manager 83 Ispravke i izvinjenja Predmet: Računovodstveni paket Axe Poštovani gospodine Gurda, žao mi je što još uvijek niste primili ovaj programski paket. Radi se o uvoznom proizvodu iz Amerike, kojeg distribuira specijalizirano preduzeće za prodaju računarskih proizvoda iz Sarajeva. Ovaj put im pošiljka iz Sjedinjenih Država kasni. Barem dva puta sedmično im dosađujemo, a oni nas uvjeravaju da to isto oni čine svojim kolegama u Americi. Izvještavat ću Vas o tome kako napredujemo. S poštovanjem, Belma Hafizović Referentica prodaje 84 Corrections and Apologies Subject: Accounting package Axe Dear Sir: I am sorry you have not received this program package yet. It is a product imported from America, which is distributed by the company specialized in computer products sale from Sarajevo. This time their order form the USA is late. We are bothering them at least twice a week, and they are convincing us that they are doing the same thing to their colleagues in America. I will be informing you about our progress. Sincerely, Belma Hafizovic Sales Referent 85 Ispravke i izvinjenja Predmet: Pobjednička snaga Poštovani gospodine Grgić, bila sam izuzetno zabrinuta kad sam čula da niste primili gore navedenu knjigu, koja Vam je trebala biti otpremljena prošle sedmice. Raspitala sam se i otkrila da je u ovom slučaju naš način poslovanja zakazao. Radi se o vrlo rijetkom slučaju događa se otprilike jednom godišnje, iako stalno nastojimo potpuno otkloniti mogućnost ovakve greške. Mogu Vas jedino zamoliti da primite naše izvinjenje zbog ove neugodnosti. Šaljem Vam primjerak knjige posebnom dostavom ne bismo li se izvinili za grešku. Kao našem cijenjenom kupcu, šaljem Vam bon na 17,25 KM, koji možete iskoristiti prilikom bilo koje buduće narudžbe. Nadam se da ćemo time obnoviti Vaše povjerenje u nas. S poštovanjem, Jelena Pavković Direktorica odjela za kupce 86 Corrections and Apologies Subject: The Winning Force Dear Sir: I was very concerned when I heard that you had not received the abovementioned book, which should have been delivered to you last week. I made some inquiries and I discovered that our system of business was to blame. It was a very rare case it happens once a year, although we are constantly trying to avoid such mistakes. I can only ask you to accept our apology because of this inconvenience. I am sending you a copy of the book by special delivery so as not to repeat the same mistake. As our faithful customer, I am sending you a bon at 17, 25 KM, which can be used for future orders. I hope to regain your confidence. Sincerely, Jelena Pavkovic Customer Department Manager 87 Ispravke i izvinjenja Predmet: Pobjednička snaga Poštovani gospodine Lisac, mnogo mi je žao. Nadam se da ćete njome biti zadovoljni sad kad je napokon stigla, te da Vas poteškoće koje ste imali oko njene nabavke neće odvratiti od kupovine. PunoVam hvala što ste sebi dali truda da me upozorite na svoje nezadovoljstvo. Nezadovoljni ljudi najčešće glasaju nogama, odnosno odu i obrate se drugom dobavljaču. Što znači da smo mi u takvom slučaju nemoćni. Mislim da zaslužujete podrobno obrazloženje zbog čega smo Vas tako loše uslužili. Knjiga koju ste naručili stvara nam dosta poteškoća. Odlična je i stoga jako interesantna, pa smo je brzo rasprodali. Knjiga je bosanskohercegovačko izdanje, a i u Hrvatskoj je već rasprodana. Dakle, najprije smo morali čekati drugo izdanje, a zatim smo imali zakašnjenja u isporuci, jer kao bosanskohercegovački knjižar, imamo slabiji utjecaj na izdavača iz Hrvatske, nego što bismo imali na domaćeg izdavača. U trenutku kada ste nas nazvali, očekivani rok isporuke bila je sredina marta. We have sent you the copy of The Winning Force. I hope you will be pleased with it, now that it has finally arrived. I believe that the difficulties in obtaining it will not prevent you from enjoying the book now. I would like to thank you for your effort in warning about your dissatisfaction. Dissatisfied people usually object with their feet, meaning they walk away to another supplier. In such cases, we are helpless. I think you deserve a thorough explanation why you were given poor service. The book you ordered has been causing us many problems. It is excellent and very interesting, so it was sold out very quickly. It is a Bosnian edition, and it has also been sold out in Croatia. Therefore, we had to wait for the second edition, and our deliveries were late, because the Bosnian bookkeeper does not have large influence on the Croatian publisher. When you called us, the expected delivery date was in the middle of March. Iz iskustva koje imam s hrvatskim preduzećima znam da ni oni često ne mogu biti sigurni u rokove isporuke, jer roba podliježe carinskoj kontroli koja se zna odužiti. Dakako, svake sedmice nam se određeni broj knjiga vrati jer kupci imaju pravo vratiti robu u roku od deset dana. Kad je neki proizvod rasprodan i nemamo ga na zalihi, vraćeni primjerci, koji su u savršenom stanju, šalju se kupcima na listi čekanja. Stavila sam Vas na vrh liste čekanja i zato smo Vam danas bili u mogućnosti poslati knjigu. Svjesna sam da je bitan cilj, a ne sredstva kojima se cilj postiže. Uvjeravam Vas da smo svi mi u našem preduzeću ljudi od krvi i mesa i da se zaista trudimo pružiti brzu i kvalitetnu uslugu. Sve proizvode, osim jednog malog broja, imamo stalno na zalihi, a samo mali broj narudžbi ovih dana nije poslano u roku od 24 sata po prijemu narudžbe. Zaista mi je mnogo žao što smo Vam zadali toliko muke. Nadam se da ćete i dalje poslovati s nama. Šaljem vam bon za popust na sljedeću narudžbu, ako je bude, dijelom kao izvinjenje, a dijelom kao zahvalu što ste mi dali do znanje da se ljutite na nas. S poštovanjem, Zilha Hasanbegović Direktorica odjela za kupce 90 Corrections and Apologies Unfortunately, I was not sure about that either. From my own experience with Croatian publishers, I know that they are not sure about their delivery dates because of the customs procedure. Certainly, every week customers return a small number of books because they are entitled to a ten-day trial. When we sell out a certain product, the returned samples, in perfect condition, are sent to the customers from the waiting list. I have put you onto the top of the list and that is why I am able to send you the book today. I am aware that the goal is important, and not the means. I am convincing you that we are all people of flesh and blood in our company and we are doing our best to offer good and fast service. All the products, except a small number of them, are constantly available, and only a minority of orders is not delivered during 24-hour period. I am sorry we have caused you so much trouble. Sincerely, Zilha HasanbegovicSales Department Manager 91 Ispravke i izvinjenja 5. Poštovana gospođo Nado, primite moju sućut zbogVašeg bolnog gubitka. Smjesta smo poduzeli sve što je bilo potrebno kako bismo zaustavili slanje pošte na sljedeću adresu: Stjepana Radića 19 70220 Donji Vakuf Broj kupca izbrisan iz datoteke: 5421893 Unatoč tome, na žalost, moguće je da su neke pošiljke već poslane, pa ih nije moguće zaustaviti. Lično ću potom još jednom provjeriti popis. Molim Vas da koristite našu besplatnu kovertu, za koju ne treba marka. Molim Vas primite naše najiskrenije izvinjenje zbog neugodnosti koju bi Vam mogle prouzrokovati daljnje pošiljke. S poštovanjem, Radmilo Brzi Voditelj računovodstva 92 Corrections and Apologies Dear Madam: Please, accept my deepest sympathies for your painful loss. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience that further deliveries might cause you. Sincerely, Radmilo Brzi Accounting Leader 93 Ispravke i izvinjenja Poštovana gospođo Hubijar, mnogo mi je žao što Vaša kancelarija nije očišćena u četvrtak navečer. Čistačica koju smo Vam dodijelili bila je na bolovanju. Njena zamjena, trudila se, ali nije mogla okrenuti ključ u bravi na Vašim vratima, pa je pomislila da je dobila pogrešan ključ. Radila sam s tom osobom mnogo godina i znam da je vrlo savjesna u svom poslu. Na žalost, kad se vratila po drugi ključ, nikoga od nas nije bilo, jer su nas pozvali na hitnu intervenciju. Vaša brava nije obična brava i treba znati tehniku kako je otključati. Ubuduće ćemo svim čistačicama dati jasnu uputu o otključavanju takve brave kako bismo izbjegli ovakve greške. Nadam se da ćete prihvatiti ovo objašnjenje, te Vas još jednom molim da primite naše izvinjenje. Mi ćemo, dakako, u našem sljedećem računu uzeti u obzir da Vaše prostorije nisu bile čišćene i odgovarajući iznos oduzet ćemo od ukupnog iznosa. Imate li bilo koju drugu primjedbu, molim Vas da mi se svakako javite i zatražite moju pomoć. S poštovanjem, Nađa Valjevac Voditeljica računovodstva 94 Corrections and Apologies Dear Madam: We are sorry your office was not cleaned on Thursday night. The cleaner we assigned to you was on a sick leave. Her replacement was trying but she could not unlock the door of your office, so she thought she had the wrong key. I have been working with her for many years and I know she is very responsible. Unfortunately, when she came to get another key, there was not anybody there, because we had an emergency. Your lock is not an ordinary lock and one should know the unlocking technique. In the future, I will direct all the cleaners how to unlock such a door to avoid any future mistakes. I hope you will accept this explanation and my deepest apologies. We will, certainly, will take into consideration the fact that the office was not cleaned and we will subtract it from the sum in the next. If you have any other objections, please inform me and ask for my assistance. Sincerely, Nadja Valjevac Accounting Leader 95 Ispravke i izvinjenja Predmet: Ček broj 10000521 Poštovani gospodine Hasić, hvala Vam što ste nam vratili naš ček koji smo Vam poslali bez datuma. Izvinjavam se zbog ovog propusta i sa zadovoljstvom Vam prilažem ček s ispravnim datumom kako biste ga mogli naplatiti. Žao mi je zbog mogućih neugodnosti koje Vam je prouzrokovao naš propust. S poštovanjem, Kerim Gogić 96 Corrections and Apologies The Subject: Check No. I apologize for this mistake and I am sending you another check with the correct date so that you can cash it. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused by our mistake. Sincerely, Kerim Gogic 97 Ispravke i izvinjenja Poštovani gospodine Kurijak, mnogo me je uznemirio Vaš dopis od 7. Žao mi je što smo iznevjerili i Vas i Vašeg klijenta. Mi se trudimo da naši kupci budu zadovoljni, jer je to neophodno za nastavak našeg posla. Dopustite da Vam objasnim okolnosti, ne kao izgovor, već da shvatite u kakvim smo se vanrednim i neočekivanim teškoćama tada našli. Kad sam Vas nazvao u utorak, Vaša narudžba ušla je u proizvodnju kako bi bila spremna za otpremu sljedećeg dana. Odmah po našem razgovoru morao sam napustiti tvornicu i otići na neodgodivi sastanak. Jedan sat potom stroj se pokvario, a popravak je trajao četiri sata. To je značilo da nećemo moći isporučiti robu na vrijeme. Moje su kolege očekivale da ću se vratiti na posao i da ću Vas obavijestiti o tome što se dogodilo. Po nesreći, zadržao sam se duže nego što sam očekivao, pa se taj dan više nisam vraćao na posao. Taj nesretan događaj nam je ukazao na manjkavosti u koordinaciji našeg poslovanja,kojesadaispravljamo. Ubudućnosti,našćeVasdirektorproizvodnje obavijestiti o bilo kakvim odstupanjima od dogovorenog rasporeda, ako ja ne budem u kancelariji u tom trenutku. Molim Vas da prihvatite naše izvinjenje. Spremni smo Vam nadoknaditi sve gubitke koji su proizašli iz našeg nepoštivanja dogovora. S poštovanjem, Milan Foćak Direktor odjela za kupce 98 Corrections and Apologies Dear Sir: I was upset because of the latter you sent on February 7, stating your dissatisfaction with our service. I am sorry we displeased you and your client. We are doing our best to keep the customers satisfied, because it is necessary in our work. Please, allow me to explain the circumstances, not as an excuse, but to make you understand our difficult conditions at that moment. When I called you on Tuesday, your order went into production to be ready for delivery the next day. Right after our conversation, I had to leave the factory and go to a meeting. One hour later, the machine stopped functioning properly and the repair took four hours. It meant that the order could not be delivered on time. My colleagues expected I would come back and inform you about the accident. Unfortunately, I was delayed and did not come back to work that day. That misfortune showed us some deficiencies in our business coordination that we are trying to improve now. In the future, our Production Manager will inform you about all the delays in deliveries if I am not in the office now. I am asking you to accept our apology. We are ready to compensate for the whole loss cause by our disrespect of the agreement. Sincerely, Milan Focak Customer Department Manager 99 Ispravke i izvinjenja Poštovani gospodine Fikrete, mnogo mi je žao što si me čekao u svojoj kancelariji, a ja nisam došao na sastanak koji smo dogovorili prošle sedmice. Znam kako je to biti ostavljen na cjedilu i preuzimam krivicu što sam krivo razumio dogovor. Zabilježio sam da je sastanak 25. Mogu li se izviniti ručkom? Jesi li slobodan 15. Predlažem sastanak u mojoj kancelariji, ako ti to odgovara? S poštovanjem, Ratko Šimunović P. Ovaj put stvarno mislim na septembar! I know what it is like to be disappointed and I take all the blame for misunderstanding our agreement. I made a not for August 25, instead of August 27. Can I offer to take you out to a business lunch? I suggest the meeting in my office, if it suits you. Sincerely, Ratko Simunovic P. This time I really mean September! Jedan dio paketa morao je biti vraćen proizvođaču, jer nije ispunjavao visoke standarde koje mi, kao dobavljači opreme za obuku, tražimo i koje Vi, kao kupac, očekujete. Molim Vas prihvatite moje izvinjenje zbog neugodnosti koje bi Vam to moglo prouzrokovati. Zamjenske proizvode poslat ćemo Vam što prije. Nadamo se da će Vam se ovaj paket pokazati korisnim, te se veselimo našoj budućoj saradnji. S poštovanjem, Lajla Bulbul Direktorica odjela za kupce 102 Corrections and Apologies Dear Sir: I would like to thank you for the recent order of packages of training equipment. A certain number of these packages had to be returned to the manufacturer because it did not fulfill the high standards that we, as training equipment suppliers, ask and that you, as a customer, expect. I am asking you to accept my apology because of the inconvenience that we might have caused you. The replaced products will be sent to you as soon as possible. I hope that this package will prove very useful, and we are looking forward to our future cooperation. Sincerely, Lajla Bulbul Customer Department Manager 103 Ispravke i izvinjenja Predmet: Vaša narudžba br. Poduzeli smo sve što je bilo potrebno kako bi roba bila isporučena na vrijeme. Najviše nam smeta to što smo se mi zaista potrudili da Vam robu dostavimo u traženom roku, a onda nas je iznevjerio prijevoznik. U svakom slučaju, drago mi je da je pošiljka napokon došla — hvala Bogu što imate dobre odnose sa susjedima u svojoj poslovnoj zgradi. Ne moramo ni spomenuti da nećemo obnoviti ugovor s prijevoznikom koji nas je u ovom slučaju iznevjerio Još jednom Vas molim da prihvatite naše izvinjenje u nadi da ovaj nesretni slučaj neće štetiti našim odnosima. S poštovanjem, Galib Herenda Direktor odjela za kupce 104 Corrections and Apologies The subject: Your order No. We took all the necessary measures for the goods to be delivered as agreed. What bothers me most is the fact that we did our best to deliver the goods on time, and then the transport cause the delay. In any case, I am glad the goods have finally been delivered — thank God, you have good relationship with the neighbors in your office building. We do not have to mention that we will not prolong the contact with the transport company that let us down. I am asking you once again to accept our apology hoping that this accident will not harm our relationship. Sincerely, Galib Herenda Customer Department Manager 105 Ispravke i izvinjenja Predmet: Naša narudžba P85002D Poštovani gospodine Ekmečić, povodom Vašeg nedavnog razgovora, prilažem oštećene uzorke o kojima smo govorili. Izvinjavam se ako sam Vas uvrijedio, ali uvjeravam Vas da je to bilo zbog nezadovoljstva prijevoznikom, a ne Vama. Svi su mi ovdje rekli sve najbolje o Vama i ostalima u Vašem preduzeću, pa sam jednostavno bio zaprepašten kad je iskrsnuo ovaj problem. Potvrđujem da račun nećemo platiti dok nam se opet ne javite. S poštovanjem, Tarik Marić Direktor nabave 106 Corrections and Apologies The subject: Our order No. P85002D Dear Sir or Madam: Regarding our conversation, I am enclosing the damaged samples about which we talked. I am sorry if I offended you, and I am convincing you it was due to the dissatisfaction with the transport company, and not you. I have been told all the best things about you, so I was honestly shocked when this problem appeared. I confirm that the bill will not be paid until you contact us again. I am expecting your call. Sincerely, Tarik Maric Supply Manager 107 Ispravke i izvinjenja hvala Vam što ste sebi dali vremena i dopisom nas zamolili da Vaše ime uklonimo s našeg popisa. Od danas, Vaše se ime i adresa neće nalaziti niti na jednom popisu kupaca koji budemo sastavljali. Trebao bih Vas upozoriti da se većina poštanskih pošiljki priprema puno ranije, te je gotovo sigurno da neke već čekaju za otpremu. MoguVam se jedino izviniti za neugodne situacije koje će Vam prouzročiti takve pošiljke na koje više ne možemo utjecati, ali budite uvjereni da će one uskoro prestati stizati. Ako toga bude previše i budete li željeli još jednom provjeriti je li sve u redu, jednostavno mi vratite neželjeni dopis koristeći naš besplatni poštanski sandučić za korisnike: MRRM D. Kontrola popisa primatelja poštanskih pošiljki Josipa Dedović Hiseta br. Slobodno mi se obratite ukoliko imate bilo kakvih daljnjih pitanja. S poštovanjem, Josipa Dedović Kontrola popisa primatelja poštanskih pošiljki 108 Corrections and Apologies I am thankful for your time and your letter in which you asked us to remove your name from our list. Since today, your name and address will not be on any of our lists. I would like to warn you that most of the mail is prepared earlier, so it is almost certain that some of them are ready for delivery. I can only apologize for the unpleasant situation that such deliveries can cause, because we have no power over it. However, be convinced that the deliveries will stop very soon. If there are too many deliveries and if you want to check once again if everything is all right, just send back the unwanted delivery using the free user mailbox: MRRM D. The Control of the List of Customers Josipa Dedovic Hiseta 69 71 000, Sarajevo As we are concerned about cutting down on our business expenses, we are sending the mail only to those who want it. Be free to ask me in case you have any further questions. Sincerely, Josipa Dedovic The Control of the List of Customers 109 Ispravke i izvinjenja Poštovana gospođo Hadrović, primjetio sam u svom dnevniku da imam dogovoren sastanak s Vama u srijedu, 19. Nažalost, morat ću sastanak otkazati radi ranije dogovorenog sastanka u isto vrijeme u Sarajevu. Greška se potkrala zbog toga što sam prekasno obavijestio svoju sekretaricu da sam već dogovorio drugi sastanak. Moja će Vam sekretarica rado dogovoriti neko drugo vrijeme. Molim Vas da je nazovete. Posebno bi mi odgovarala sljedeća srijedu u popodnevnim satima. Još jednom, moje iskreno izvinjenje. Radujem se našem skorom viđenju. S poštovanjem, Kasim Lavić Direktor 110 Corrections and Apologies Dear Madam: I have noticed in my diary that I have a scheduled meeting with you on Wednesday, April 19, at 13:15. Unfortunately, I have to cancel that meeting because of a previously scheduled meeting at the same time in Sarajevo. The mistake is because I was late to inform my secretary about the other meeting. Accept my deepest apologies. My secretary will be glad to schedule another appointment with you. I am asking you to call her. Next Wednesday afternoon would suit me. Once more, I apologize to you. I am looking forward to our meeting. Sincerely, Kasim Lavic Manager 111 Ispravke i izvinjenja Poštovana gospođo Muamera, hvala Vam na dopisu od 11. Prvo bih Vam se želio izviniti za neugodnosti koje ste doživjeli pri ugovaranju nove police osiguranja. Pošto smo naveli cijenu, koju ste Vi drage volje prihvatili, bilo je vrlo neposlovno od nas tražiti od Vas dodatnih 120,00 KM jer smo propustili obavijestiti osiguravatelja o nesreći o kojoj ste nas Vi prethodno obavijestili. Prilažem potvrdu o povratu na iznos od 95,00 KM i potvrđujem da ostajemo pri početnoj cijeni. Nova ćeVam polica biti dostavljena čim dobijemo prepravljene dokumente. Mada nisam lično bio uključen u Vaš slučaj, pročitavši cjelokupnu prepisku, vidio sam da smo s matičnom kućom pokušali dogovoriti smanjenje premije, ali, na žalost, nismo Vas o tome izvještavali. Nadam se da ćete prihvatiti moje izvinjenje, ali Vas isto tako molim da mi se bez ustručavanja obratite budete li imali bilo kakvo pitanje ili primjedbu. S poštovanjem, Reuf Hađić Voditelj ureda 112 Corrections and Apologies Dear Sir or Madam: I would like to thank you for your letter dated October 11, concerning your motorcar insurance. First, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience you had when issuing a new insurance policy. Since we stated the price, and you accepted it, it was not businesslike to ask additional 120, 00 KM from you since we did not inform the insurance company about the accident you mentioned to us. I am sending you a receipt for the return of 95, 00 KM, and I am confirming that we are not changing the original price. The new policy will be delivered to you as soon as we get the revised documents. Although I have not been personally involved in your case, I realized from the correspondencethatweaskedthecompanytolowertheprice,butunfortunately, you were not informed about that. I hope you will accept my apology and I am asking you to contact me in case you have any objections or questions. Sincerely, Reuf Hadjic Department Leader 113 Ispravke i izvinjenja Predmet: Dostava proizvoda Poštovani gospodine Idrizović, zahvaljujem Vam na povratu dostavljenih kartica: pokazali ste nam koliko je vremena trebalo našim proizvodima da stignu do Vas. Tačna jeVaša primjedba kako dostava traje duže nego prošle godine. U prosjeku je proizvodima trebao jedan dan više da stignu do Vas, mada se sveukupno vrijeme, od prijema Vaše narudžbe, do otpreme iz skladišta, nije promijenilo. Čini se da do toga dolazi zbog dostavne službe koju trenutno koristimo. Svakako da nam je u interesu ponuditi Vam najbolju moguću uslugu, pa ćemo u sljedeća tri mjeseca isprobati drugu dostavnu službu i vidjeti hoće li doći do kakvih poboljšanja. Molimo Vas da nam i ubuduće vraćate dostavne kartice, na kojima se vide datumi dostave proizvoda, te Vas molimo da prihvatite naša iskrena izvinjenja za ovo malo pogoršanje naše usluge. S poštovanjem, Rusmir Kopić Generalni direktor 114 Corrections and Apologies Subject: The delivery of the goods Dear Sir or Madam: I would like to thank you for the return of the delivered cards. You have made us realize just how much time it took for the goods to be delivered to you. Your remark about the delivery taking longer that last year is completely true. It takes one more day for the goods to be delivered, although the overall time, since the receipt of you order, to the delivery to the warehouse, has not been changed. There seems to be a problem with the delivery service we are using now. It is in our best interest to offer the best possible service, so in the next three moths we are going to try another delivery service and see if there will be any improvements. I am asking you to return the delivery cards in the future, so that we can see the dates of the delivery, and I am also apologizing for this deterioration of our service. Sincerely, Rusmir Kopic General Manager 115 Isticanje,dorodošlicaiizvještavanje Emphasis,Welcomingandreporting Isticanje,dorodošlica i izvještavanje 16. Pakovan je u bubnjevima od prirodnih vlakana. Prah je obložen vodootpornim materijalom. Koristi se za dobivanje kontrasta prilikom ofset pisanja. S poštovanjem, ŠUMA D. It has been packed into drums made of natural fibres. The powder is wrapped by waterproof material. It is used for obtaining contrast during offset writing. Sincerely yours, SUMA D. Dogovorili smo s inžinjerom da vam dođe postaviti grijač vode 27. Vidimo da ste se odlučili za našu cjelokupnu uslugu, uključujući i održavanje, te nabavku rezervnih dijelova. Prilažem ugovor o servisu, u kojem ćete naći sve uvjete za održavanje i nabavku rezervnih dijelova, te kopiju našeg 12mjesečnog zajma koje navodi naše obaveze i vaša prava u slučaju da ih ne ispunimo. Molim Vas da provjerite sve pojedinosti. Ako ste s njima zadovoljni, jednostavno potpišite obje kopije ugovora i jednu nam vratite u priloženoj koverti za odgovor. Imate li bilo kakvih pitanja, javite nam se putem telefona bez ustručavanja, od 8 do 16 sati, od ponedjeljka do petka. Radujemo se što ste nam se obratili i nadamo se da ćete nam ukazati svoje povjerenje. S poštovanjem, Pero Šuškalo Voditelj računovodstva 120 Emphasis, Welcoming and reporting The Subject: Your Order No. We have an agreement with the engineer to come and set up your water boiler on February 27, 2006. I see that you have decided to accept our wholesome service, including the maintenance, and the spare parts. I am enlosing the service contract, in which you will find all the conditions of maintenance and spare parts, and the copy of our 12-month loan that states our duties and your rights in case we do not fulfil these duties. I am asking you to check all the details. If you are satisfied with them, simply sign both copies of the contract and send one copy to us in the enclosed envelope. In case you have any questions, please, phone us, from 8 until 16, from Monday until Friday. We are glad you contacted us and we hope to be worthy of your trust. Sincerely yours, Pero Suskalo Accountancy Leader 121 Isticanje,dorodošlica i izvještavanje Poštovana gospođo Zukan, za vrijeme nedavne posjete Vašem preduzeću ostavio sam Vam brošuru našeg preduzeća, a ovim Vam dopisom želim opisati samo one usluge koje bi Vam mogle biti zanimljive. Također, ugrađujemo sve vrste polica kao ovlašteni distributer najvećih proizvođača. Stoga Vam možemo ponuditi sveobuhvatnu i potpunu uslugu građevinske obnove Vaših poslovnih prostora, sada ili u budućnosti. Mnoga su preduzeća već iskoristila našu stručnost i pomoć u rekonstrukciji njihovih poslovnih prostorija. Otkrili smo im kako neiskorišten prostor, koji košta najviše novaca, pretvoriti u upotrebljiv prostor. Razumijemo da u trenutnim gospodarskim okolnostima trošak za takvu vrstu radova možda nije prioritet, no uz profesionalni savjet možete uštedjeti pažljivim planiranjem i dizajnom. Također, Vam nudimo i usluge kreditiranja na nabavku naše opreme i na cijenu usluga. Tako ćete teret plaćanja usluga moći rasporediti u skladu s raspoloživim sredstvima, Vaša će gotovinska sredstva biti zaštićena time što ne morate platiti cjelokupni iznos po završetku radova, a porezna je olakšica u iznosu od 100%. Budu li Vas zanimale naše usluge, molimo Vas da nam se obratite s punim povjerenjem. Bezobvezebesplatnodostavitiprocjenutroškova,tepreliminarne nacrte, kako bismo Vam pomogli u Vašem budućem planiranju. Ako iz bilo kojeg razloga niste primili našu brošuru, molim Vas da mi to javite kako bismo Vam smjesta poslali Vaš primjerak. We also install all kind of shelves as authorised distributors of the greatest producers. Therefore, we can offer you the overall and complete service of bulding reconstructuon of your office buildings, either now or in the future. Many companies have already used our service in the reconstruction of their office buildings. We have shown them how to turn the costly usused space into useful space. We understand that under present circumstances the expences for such kind of work may not be priority, but with professional advice you can safe money through careful planning and design. We are also offering the credit service for ordering our equipment and using our service. In that way, the payment can be arranged in accordance to your means, and your cash will be protected by not paying the whole sum when the work is done, and the tax discount is 100%. If you are interested in any of our service, do not hesitate to contact us. We will deliver you for free the estimated expences and preliminary drawings, so as to help you with future planning. If, for some reasons, you have not received our brochure, please contact us so that we can send you one. Sincerely yours, Vedad Hanumic Sales Manager 123 Isticanje,dorodošlica i izvještavanje Predmet: Unutrašnje uređenje prostora Poštovana gospođo Batić, puno Vam hvala na narudžbi, koju smo danas dobili. Oduševljeni smo što ste nas izabrali za izvođača unutrašnjeg uređenja Vaših novih poslovnih prostorija. Nadam se da ćete biti zadovoljni rezultatima našeg rada, ali budete li imali ikakvih, ma i najmanjih primjedbi, molim Vas nazovite me i ja ću se pobrinuti da se to odmah riješi. Kao dio paketa dobrodošlice za naše nove klijente, Vaša narudžba daje Vam pravo na besplatnu konsultaciju s arhitektom, koji će Vam predložiti kako primijeniti ergonomska rješenja uređenja prostora na zadovoljstvo Vaših zaposlenika. Ova usluga je potpuno besplatna svim kupcima koji nam dostave svoju prvu narudžbu do kraja godine. Želite li iskoristiti ovu ograničenu ponudu, molim Vas ispunite i vratite nam priloženi obrazac. Nadamo se dugoj i uspješnoj saradnji s Vašim preduzećem. Ne ispunimo li Vaša visoka očekivanja, molim Vas da nazovete mene osobno. S poštovanjem, Senad Mekić Direktor prodaje 124 Emphasis, Welcoming and reporting The Subject: The Interior Space Design Dear Ms, I would like to thank you for the order that we received today. We are glad that you have chosen us to be the leaders of the interior diesing of your new working space. I hope you will be pleased with the results of our work, and in case you have any suggestions, please, call me and I will make sure it ise dealt with properly. As part of the welcoming package for our new clients, your order entitles you to free consultations with the architect, who will suggest how to apply the ergonomic solutions to the interior desing of your space at the satisfaction of your employees. This offer is completely free to all customers who make their first order by the end of the year. If you want to use this limited offer, please fill in this form and send it back to us. We are hoping that our cooperation will be long and successful. If we do not fulfill your high expectations, please contact me personally. Sincerely yours, Senad Mekic Sales Manager 125 Isticanje,dorodošlica i izvještavanje Poštovani gospodine Avdo, hvala Vam na brzom odgovoru u vezi sa statusom neplaćenih računa triju preduzeća, pri čijoj naplati nas zastupate. Dakle, to preduzeće smo stavili na našu crnu listu i obavijestili naše zaposlenike da s njim više ne poslujemo. S poštovanjem, Dragan Glišić Direktor finansija 126 Emphasis, Welcoming and reporting Dear Sir, I would like to thank you for your quick answer about the unpain bills of the three companies, with whose payment you are in charge. So, the company is now on our black list and we have informed the employees that we do not make business with them any more. Sincerely yours, Dragan Glisic Financial Manager 127 Isticanje,dorodošlica i izvještavanje Poštovani gospodine Berberović, nakon našeg jutrošnjeg telefonskog razgovora, ovim dopisom potvrđujem da je jedan od naših zaposlenika pretrpio prijelom noge. Molim Vas da mi pošaljete odgovarajući obrazac kako bismo Vam mogli dostaviti službenu obavijest o povredi na radu. S poštovanjem, Jadranko Možuranić Povjerenik zaštite na radu 128 Emphasis, Welcoming and reporting Dear Sir, After our telephone conversation this morning, I am confirming that one of our employees has broken his leg. I am asking you to send us the suitable form so that we can deliver the official notification about an injury at work. Sincerely yours, Jadranko Mozuranic Protection at Work Trustee 129 Isticanje,dorodošlica i izvještavanje FAKS PORUKA Prima: Gospodin Hakija Terzić Voditelj zaštite na radu 032568945 Kenan Zeničanin 9. Iz razgovora s njegovom suprugom saznali smo da je smrt posljedica nesreće na radu, o kojoj smo Vas izvijestili 28. S poštovanjem, Kenan Zeničanin Povjerenik sigurnosti na radu 130 Emphasis, Welcoming and reporting FAX MESSAGE Recepient: Mister Hakija Terzić Protection at Work Leader 032568945 Kenan Zeničanin April 6, 2006 Fax No: Sender: Date: Dear Sir, We have just been informed about the death of Boris Micic, a former employee, living at the adress Bojnicka 254, 72 000, Zenica, so in accordance with legal regulations, we are informing you about his death. From the conversation with his widow, we discovered that his death was the outcome of an accident at work, about which we informed you on the 28 of December last year. Sincerely yours, Kenan Zenicanin Safety at Work Trustee 131 Korištenje Usage Korištenje Poštovana gospođo Selimović, nadam se da je naša zadnja isporuka bila u redu i da je ispunila Vaša očekivanja. Trenutno nastojimo pronaći načine kako poboljšati naš asortiman proizvoda i usluga kupcima. Jasno mi je da ste vrlo zaposleni, ali me zanima jeste li spremni odvojiti pola sata za razgovor o usluzi koju ste dobili od nas; što očekujete od proizvoda koje prodajemo; kako su ta očekivanja ispunjena ili premašena, te gdje mislite da ima prostora za poboljšanje. Rado bih obuhvatila sve dijelove usluge, od dostave proizvoda do održavanja. Nadam se da ste nam voljni pomoći. Nazvati ću Vas za dan ili dva kako bismo dogovorile prikladan datum sastanka. S poštovanjem, Šejla Popović Direktorica marketinga 134 Usage Dear Ms, I hope that our last delivery was all right and that it fulfilled your expectations. We are currently trying to discover new ways of improving our product and service assortment for our customers. I know that you are very busy, but I am wondering if you could dedicate half an hour of your time to discuss the service that you have been getting from us; what you expect from the products that we sell; whether your expectations are fulfilled or exceeded; and if you think there is some chance of improvement. I would gladly cover all the aspects of the service, from product delivery to maintenance. I hope you are willing to help us. I will call you in a day or two so that we could arrange suitable meeting time. Sincerely yours, Sejla Popovic Marketing Manager 135 Korištenje mislim da je naš razgovor o Vašim rezultatima rada u posljednjih šest mjeseci bio vrlo koristan, te bih ovim dopisom želio potvrditi neke od stvari o kojima smo razgovarali. Jako smo zadovoljni načinom na koji ste u tako kratko vrijeme postali ključnom osobom tima koji rukovodi skladištem i time što ste od samog početka snažno doprinjeli njegovom radu. Savjesni ste u izvršavanju svojih zadaća i nastojite razviti vještine koje ste do sada usvojili. Kao što smo razgovarali, želio bih da od 1. Primanje i provjera dopremljene robe Cilj Robuotpakovatiistogdanai obavijestiti odgovarajući odjel o njenom dolasku Otprema 75% robe isti dan. Otprema ostatka robe sljedeći dan. Primjena učinkovitog sistema smještanja i nalaženja robe. Pravovremena otprema sve robe 3. Upravljanje skladištem Rado bih pratio rezultateVašeg rada mjesečnom provjerom, kako bih se uvjerio da se gore navedeni ciljevi postižu i kako bismo bilo kakve poteškoće izgladili čim se pojave. Nadam se da ćete uživati u izazovu koji Vam pruža Vaša nova uloga, za koju znam da ste je u stanju vrlo uspješno obaviti. S poštovanjem, Esad Nuhanović Glavni direktor 136 Usage I believe that our conversation about your working results in the past six months was very useful and by this letter I would like to confim some of the things that we discussed. We are very satisfied with the way you have managed to become the key team person managing the warehouse in such a short time and ever since the beginning you have contributed to its work. You are conscientious in fulfilling your tasks and you are trying to improve the skills you have acquired so far. Just as we have discussed, I would like you to take over the full responsibility for the following fields and to make sure that the goal we have set are achieved, starting with the 1 of April. Receiving and checking the delivered goods 2. Timely delivery of all the goods Goal The goods should be unpacked the same day and the responsible department should be informed The delivery of 75% of goods on the same day, the rest should be delivered on the next day The application of the successful method of storing and finding the goods. Warehouse Managing I would gladly follow the results of your work by checking monthly, so as to ensure that the above-mentioned goals are achieved and to avoid any difficult situations that might occur. I hope you will enjoy the challenge that this new role offers, since I know you are capable of great achievements. Sincerely yours, Esad Nuhanovic Chief Manager 137 Korištenje 1 P št MRRM d. To postižemo kursevima za rukovoditelje, koji su sastavljeni u skladu sa specifičnim potrebama, a kojima je cilj poboljšati i usavršiti vlastite vještine. Naši Vam kursevi zaista mogu pomoći: -da svaki put održite uspješnu prezentaciju -da iz pregovora uvijek izađete kao pobjednik -da svaku sedmicu produžite za 10 sati. No, ne morate vjerovati nama. Pitajte Edinu Bašić u BT-u, Željku Spahić u računvodstvu, Damira Jataganca u Anglian d. Svi su oni naši redoviti klijenti jer im mi dajemo upravo ono što traže: kurseve skrojene upravo u skladu s njihovim potrebama, koji pomažu razvoju upravljačkih osobina članova njihovih timova — na taj način im pomažući da u svom poslovanju postignu upravo onakve rezultate kakve žele. Upitajte ih o našem poznavanju tih vještina; pažnju koju obraćamo na najsitnije pojedinosti; kako iz Vas izvlačimo najbolje i ono najvažnije, kakav je naš utjecaj na poboljšanje timskog rada. Edina Bašić će Vam zacijelo reći kako je BT-u uštedila hiljade KM korištenjem samo jedne od pregovaračkih taktika koje je naučila u jednom danu. I ne zaboravite ih pitati koliko sve to košta — uvjeren sam da ćete spoznati kako su naši kursevi najekonomičniji način obuke timova. Ne budete li potpuno zadovoljni našim kursem, vratit ćemo Vam novac. Dakle, što možete izgubiti? Nazovite me bez ikakve obaveze. S poštovanjem, Anes Dedić P. Ne zaboravite našu garanciju povrata novca. Nitko drugi neće ići tako daleko kako bi Vam garantovao potpuno zadovoljstvo! We achieve that through courses for managers, that are constructed in accordance with special needs, and whose goal is to improve and perfect their own skills. Our courses can be really helpful: - to make a successful presentation always - to come out as a winner out of negotiations - to prolong every week for 10 hours. However, you do not have to trust us. Ask Edina Basis from B. They are all our regular clients, because we give them just what they are looking for:coursesdesignedinaccordancewiththeirneeds,thathelpthedevelopment of the managerial characteristics of the members of their team — that way, we help them achieve the results they want in their business. Ask them about our knowledge of these skills; we pay attention to the smallest details; how we draw the best and the most important out of you; how we influence the improvement of the team work. Edina Basic will certainly tell you that she has saved thousands of KM in BT by using only one of the negotiating tactics that she learned in one day. And do not forget to ask them how much it all costs — I am sure that you will realise that our courses are the most economical way of team training. If you are not completely satisfied with our course, we will give you your money back. So, what is there to lose? Call me with no obligations. Sincerely yours, Anes Dedic P. Do not forget our money back guarantee. Nobody else would got that far to guarantee you complete satisfaction. Ili čak i više, radeći dulje? Ovaj Vam plan govori tačno kako ćete to ostvariti. Jedini prostor koji trebate je Vaš dom. Početno ulaganje je 500,00 KM. Jedino vrijeme koje Vam je potrebno kad ste posao pokrenuli otprilike su 2 sata dnevno da biste rekli drugima što trebaju raditi. Radi li se o nečemu što nije odobreno i oprobano? Ovaj Vam plan daje sve pogodnosti vrlo određenog poslovanja. Govori Vam kako pokrenuti posao. Gdje kupiti osnovna sredstva. Kome se obratiti za pomoć. Pokazuje Vam kako pronaći druge koji će obavljati posao prodaje za Vas - i zašto to ne biste trebali raditi sami. Govori Vam zašto nije potrebno iskustvo - zapravo, iskustvo se pokazalo nedostatkom, a ne prednošću. A osim toga, stvar funkcionira! Širom zemlje ljudi već zarađuju na ovaj način. Na primjer, bivši prodavač automobila započeo je ovaj posao prije deset godina, kad je od autora saznao za tu mogućnost. Od tada do danas odlično posluje i zarađuje. Or even more by working longer? This plan tells you exactly how to do that. The only space you need is your home. The initial investment is 500, 00 KM. The only time you need when you start the business is 2 hours a day to tell the others what they are supposed to do. Is this something that has not been either approved of or tested? This business gives you the benefits of a very specific nature. It tells you how to start the business. Where to buy the basic means. To whom to turn for help. It shows you how to find others to do the sale for you — and it tells you why you should not do it by yourself — in fact, experience proved to be a deficiency, not an advantage. Besides, the thing functions! All over the country, people have already made money in this way. For example, a former car salesman started this business ten years ago, when he found out from the author about this possibility. He has been earning a lot of money in this business ever since. Zato što je za dobru procjenu potreban potpun i podroban opis. Otkad sam čuo za ovu poslovnu mogućnost i pročitao knjigu, mnogim sam prijateljima ispričao o njoj. Čim bih nametnuo o kakvom se poslu radi, oni bi se odmah dohvatili svojih preduvjerenja i predrasuda. Smjesta bi se prisjetili ostalih poslova, koji na prvi pogled izgledaju vrlo slično - poslova koji ne donose dobit i za koje nije potrebna velika stručnost. Tek pošto bih im detaljno opisao cijeli plan, te bi se početne predrasude izgubile i postalo bi im jasno da se radi o zaista izuzetnoj mogućnosti za zaradu. Ako je sve tako dobro, zašto odavati tajnu? Radi se o poslu koji se može početi bilo gdje. Ima mjesta za tisuće ljudi - stoga autor ništa ne gubi odavanjem tajne. Zvuči predobro da bi bilo istinito? Imate 10 dana da program proučite besplatno. Znači, možete sami prosuditi pošto ste knjigu proučili od korica do korica. Uvjerit ćete se da plan funkcionira. S poštovanjem, Ivana Drmač Direktorica marketinga P. Želite li se obogatiti? Jeste li spremni riskirati? Becauseforgoodjudgement you need complete and thorough description. Since I heard about this business opportunity and since I read the book, I have told about it to many friends. As soon as I hinted the nature of the business, they turned to convictions and prejudices. They would immediately remember other businesses that look similar at first sight — the businesses that do not bring profit and for which you do not need to be skilled. Only when I would explain the whole plan in detail, the initial prejudices would disappear and it would become evident that it was an excellent opportunity to make profit. If everything is so good, why give away the secret? It is business that can be started anywhere. There are places for thousands of people — so the author does not lose by giving away the secret. It sounds too good to be true? Therefore, you can judge after you have studied every single page of the book. You will make sure that the plan functions. Sincerely yours, Ivana Drmac Marketing Manager P. Would you like to get rich? Are you ready to take risk? Sviđa mi se zamisao o primanju Vaših učenika na praksu pa obećavam da ću Vašu molbu ozbiljno razmotriti. Rado bismo sudjelovali u takvom programu, ali to će iziskivati neke promjene naših radnih mjesta, kako bismo mogli pružiti kvalitetnu obuku. Prije donošenja konačne odluke morao bih o tome porazgovarati i s ostalim kolegama koji su, nažalost, još desetak dana na godišnjem odmoru. Nadam se da Vam to neće biti prekasno, te Vas molim da me nazovete, ne javim li Vam se u sljedeće dvije sedmice. S poštovanjem, Tarik Logo Voditelj kadrovske službe 144 Usage The Subject: The Practice for your Students Dear Sir, I would like to thank you for your letter of the 14 of March. I like the idea of taking your students for practice, so I promise I will consider your offer very carefully. We would gladly be part of such a programme, but it would call for some changes in our working places, for us to offer good training. Before making the final decision, I would have to discuss it with other colleagues who will, unfortunately, be on their holiday in the next ten days. I hope it will not be too late, so please call me in case I do not contact you in the next two weeks. Sincerely yours, Tarik Logo Personnel Leader 145 Molba Pleas Molba Poštovani gospodine Sedić, vjerujem da ste uživali u odmoru. Dobro došli u stvarnost! Nadam se da smo pomogli Bakiru za vrijeme Vašeg odsustva i da je sve išlo glatko. Bilo nam je zadovoljstvo pružiti dodatnu pomoć. Naše je nastojanje pružiti najbolju moguću uslugu našim kupcima, a lično se zalažem za još veće poboljšanje kvaliteta naših usluga. Možete li mi dati povratnu informaciju o kvalitetu naše pomoći? Vaši će mi dojmovi omogućiti procjenu i nadzor nad standardom usluge koju pruža naš odjel. S poštovanjem, Sanela Redžić Direktor 148 Pleas Dear Sir, I hope you have enjoyed your vacation. I hope we have helped Bakir during your absence and that everything went without any trouble. It was our pleasure to offer additional assistance. We are trying to offer the best possible service to our customers, and I am personally in favour of an even greater improvement of our service quality. Could you give me some return information about the quality of our assistance? You impression will enable the judgement and supervision over the standard of the services that our department offers. Sincerely yours, Sanela Redzic Manager 149 Molba Poštovani gospodine Delimustafić, istražujemo mogućnost pokretanja potpuno novog softverskog paketa za računovođe. Zadužen sam za istraživački projekt koji će obuhvatiti odabranu skupinu naših kupaca, a Vi ste posebno izdvojeni kao neko ko bi nam mogao pomoći. Svrha ovog projekta je saznati koju vrstu računovodstvenog softvera trenutno koristite, koje su Vam njegove osobine korisne i koji bi Vam novi programski alati olakšali život. Zanima me biste li bili voljni odgovoriti na nekoliko pitanja u telefonskom razgovoru? Ne radi se ni o kakvoj obavezi i ništa Vam ne pokušavam prodati. Ovo je bona fide istraživački projekt. Jasno mi je da nemate mnogo vremena. Ako biste htjeli da Vas nazovem u određeno vrijeme, molim da mi faksom vratite ovaj dopis s datumom i vremenom koje bi Vam odgovaralo i ja ću Vas tada nazvati. U protivnom, ako dozvolite, ja ću Vas nazvati za dan ili dva. S poštovanjem, Franko Arslanagić Direktor razvoja 150 Pleas Dear Sir, We are investigating the possibility of creating a completely new software package for accountants. I am in charge of the investigation project that will include a selected sample of our customers, and you have been specially chosen as someone who might help us. The purpose of this project is to find out what type of the software package you are currently using, which characteristics are useful to you and what programme tools have made your life easier. I am wondering if you are willing to answer a few questions in a telephone conversation. There are no obligations and I am not trying to sell you anything. This is bona fide investigation project. I am aware that you do not have much time. If you want me to call you at certain time, please send an answer by fax with the date and the time that would suit you, and I will call you then. If not, if you allow me, I will call you in a day or two. Sincerely yours, Franko Arslanagic Development Manager 151 Molba Poštovana gospođice Danijela, u prilogu Vam dostavljam kopiju uplate od 598,20 KM, kao djelimično izmirenje našeg duga prema Vama. Priroda našeg posla je takva da zbog štrajka poštanskih službenika nismo mogli poslati robu našim kupcima, niti od njih dobiti uplate. Zbog toga imamo puno nenaplaćenih potraživanja. Štrajk je završio i uvjeren sam da ćemo do kraja sljedeće sedmice moći izmiriti svoje dugovanje prema Vama. S poštovanjem, Jasmin Duraković Voditelj računovodstva 152 Pleas Dear Madam, I am enclosing the copy of the payment of 598, 20 KM, as partial settling of our debt to you. The nature of our business is such, tha due to the stike of the post office clerks, we were unable to send the products to our customers, nor receive any payment form them. That is why we have many unpaid orders. The strike is over now and I am sure that by the end of the next week we will be able to settle the whole debt. Sincerely yours, Jasmin Durakovic Accountancy Manager 153 Molba Poštovana gospođo Ćatić, hvala Vam na dopisu od 9. Rado bih s Vama podrobnije porazgovarao o poslu, te Vas stoga molim da mi se javite kako bismo dogovorili sastanak u vrijeme koje Vam najviše odgovara. S poštovanjem, Hasan Gogić Direktor kadrovskih poslova 154 Pleas Dear Madam, I would like to thank you for your letter dated the 9th of January and for your job application for the manager of the post office department. I would gladly discuss the business in detail with you so I am asking you to contact me so that we could arrange a meeting at the time that would suit you. Sincerely yours, Hasan Gogic Personnel Manager 155 Molba Predmet: Obavijest kandidatu Poštovani gospodine Burović, hvala što ste došli na razgovor prošli petak. Veliko mi je zadovoljstvo javiti Vam da ste ušli u uži izbor za gore navedeno radno mjesto. Prije nego što odredim vrijeme zadnjeg razgovora, zamolio sam svakog kandidata da ispuni kratak test, koji ćete naći u prilogu. Molim Vas da mi ga ispunjenog vratite do kraja mjeseca. S poštovanjem, Edin Klempić Voditelj kadrovskih poslova 156 Pleas The Subject: The Department Manager Dear Sir, I would like to thank you for coming to the interview last Friday. It is great pleasure to inform you that you have been shortlisted for the above-mentioned position. Before I schedule the time for the last interview, I ask each candidate to do a short test, that I am enclosing now. I would like you to do it and send it back to me by the end of the month. Sincerely yours, Edin Klempic Personnel Manager 157 Molba Predmet: Upražnjeno radno mjesto direktora nabavke u odjelu u Singapuru Poštovani Hasanbašić, dozvolite mi nekoliko riječi kao potvrdu sadržaja našeg današnjeg razgovora o mogućnosti Vašeg zaposlenja u našem odjelu nabake u Singapuru. Kao voditelj nabavke u našoj zemlji obavljali ste u posljednje tri godine izuzetno važnu ulogu i želio bih reći da će mi nedostajati Vaš dragocjeni doprinos. No, kao što ste i sami spoznali, mogućnosti za napredovanje u ovoj zemlji prilično su ograničene. Naš ured u Singapuru pruža ogromne mogućnosti napredovanja u karijeri i daljnjeg proširenja poslovnih obaveza. Potrebni su mu ljudi Vaših vještina i sposobnosti. Kao što sam Vam rekao, ured u Singapuru do danas nije razvio strategiju nabavke i zbog toga dosad nije doprinosio značajnijem povećanju dobiti našeg preduzeća. Singapur smatramo ključnom tačkom za povećanje profitabilnosti našeg poslovanja u jugoistočnoj Aziji, što će onom ko dođe na mjesto direktora nabavke biti dodatni izazov. Iako sam svjestan toga da će Vam dužnosti i zadaće biti slične onima koje ste obavljali u našoj zemlji, siguran sam da će uspjeh koji ste u toj ulozi imali dosad povećati Vaše izglede za napredovanje u karijeri više nego, što bi to bilo moguće na Vašem sadašnjem radnom mjestu. Jasno mi je da će Vam trebati vremena kako biste razmislili o ovoj mogućnosti. U svakom slučaju, Vaš odgovor ne očekujem prije Vašeg povratka s puta u Singapur, krajem sljedeće sedmice. S poštovanjem, Damir Rondić Direktor kadrovskog odjela 158 Pleas The Subject: A vacancy for the position of the Supply Manager at the Singapore department Dear Sir, Would you allow me to go throught the contents of our conversation today to confirm the possibility of your emloyment at our Supply Department in Singapore. As the Supply Manager in our country, you have had a very important role in the last three years and I would like to say that I will miss your significant contribution. However, as you might have realised, the progress possibilities in this country are rather limited. Our office in Singapore offers enormous progress possibilities in your career and further increase in business responsibilities. I need people of your skills and capabilities. As I have mentioned, the Singapore office has not developed the supply strategy and it has not contributed to significant increase in profit in our company. We consider Singapore the key point for profit increase in our business in Southeast Asia, which will be a great challenge for the future Supply Manager. Although I am aware that your duties and tasks would be similar to those in our country, I am sure that the success in the role you have had so far will only increase the possibility of improvement in your career even more than in your present position. I also know that you need some time to consider this opportunity. In any case, I do not expect your answer before you return from your trip to Singapore, at the end of the next week. Sincerely yours, Damir Rondic Supply Manager 159 Molba Predmet: Dopis o otpuštanju viška zaposlenika Nakon jutrošnjeg sastanka svih zaposlenika, ovim dopisom potvrđujem da ćemo, nažalost, morati otpustiti četvero zaposlenika. Kao što znate, u posljednje smo vrijeme izgubili četiri nova ugovora. Bilo je to veliko razočaranje za sve one koji su naporno radili ne bi li privukli nove kupce, ali bez tih ugovora preduzeće ne zarađuje dovoljno za trenutni broj zaposlenika. Bolno smo svjesni učinka koji to ima na moral u preduzeću i željeli bismo situaciju razriješiti što prije. Odlučili smo tako, kao prvi korak, pozvati da nam se jave svi oni koji bi željeli dobrovoljno prekinuti radni odnos. Ne bude li dobrovoljaca, morat ćemo otpustiti četvero ljudi. Još uvijek nije donesena odluka o metodi izbora ili o tome u kojem odjelu će doći do smanjenja broja radnih mjesta. Čim budemo imali više pojedinosti, obavijestit ćemo Vas o njima. Želi li bilo ko od Vas u povjerenju porazgovarati o uvijetima dobrovoljnog prekida radnog odnosa, molim Vas da mi se obratite lično, najkasnije do petka, 14. Besim Latić Glavni direktor 160 Pleas The Subject: Firing redundant employees After the meeting of all employees this mornig, by this letter I confirm that we will have to hire four employees, unfortunately. Itwasagreatdisappointment for all those who were working hard to attract new customers, but without these contracts, the company is not profiting enough to be able to keep all the employees. We are painfully aware of the effect it will have on the morale of the company and we would like to solve the situation as soon as possible. As the first step, we have decided to invite all those who would like to terminate work voluntarily. If there are no volunteers, we will have to fire four people. We have not decided on the selection method nor about the department from which those people will be chosen. As soon as we have more details, we will inform you. If anyone would like to have a confidential conversation about the voluntary termination fo work, please, contact me personally, by Friday, April 14. Besim Latic Chief Manager 161 Molba Poštovana Hasija, nadam se da ste Vi i Rasim dobro i da ne provodite previše besanih noći. Stigli smo do manje od 21 dana do krajaVašeg zakonskog porodiljskog dopusta, pa bih Vas zamolio da mi javite namjeravate li se vratiti na posao. Oprostite što ova molba možda zvuči pretjerano službeno, ali moramo znati kakve su Vaše namjere. Ne morate mi odgovoriti odmah, ali Vaš pismeni odgovor mora stići u roku od 14 dana od datuma na ovom dopisu kako biste zadržali pravo na povratak. Znam da ste rekli kako želite ponovo razmisliti po rođenju djeteta. Ne treba ni reći da bismo Vas rado primili natrag u tim, jer ste u posljednjih nekoliko sedmica svima nedostajali. Isto tako, poštovat ćemo Vašu odluku odlučite li ne vratiti se. Osobno se nadam da ćete se htjeti vratiti. Vaš doprinos našem radu i uspjehu bio je ogroman, a Vaši izgledi za napredovanje više nego dobri. Molim Vas da mi javite svoju odluku, a ja ću se toplo nadati da će ona biti onakva kakvu želim. S poštovanjem, Vedran Jakov Voditelj kadrovske službe 162 Pleas Dear Madam, I hope that Rasim and you are all right and that you are not having too many sleepless nights. There are only 21 days left before the termination of your maternity leave, and I would like to know whether you intend to come back to work. I apologize if this letter is too official, but we need to know your intentions. You do not have to answer immediately, but your written answer has to arrive within the period of 14 days after the receipt of this letter so that you can retain your right to return to work. I do not have to mention that we would gladly have you back in the team because everyone has missed you in the last few weeks. However, we will respect your decision in case you decide not to come back to work. I personally hope you will return to your job. Your contribution to our work and success was enormous, and you chances of progress are more than good. I am asking you to inform me about your decision, and I sincerely hope it will be the one that I like. Sincerely yours, Vedran Jakov Personnel Manager 163 Molba Poštovani gospodine, iznenadna smrt gospodina Franje Cvetkovića jako nas je potresla, ožalostila. Prilažem dopis za gospđu Cvetković i bio bi Vam zahvalan ukoliko bi joj ga mogli uručiti. Vjerujem da će je malo utješiti podatak da su Franju cijenile i stranke koje su ga poznavale vrlo kratko vrijeme, te da će im jako nedostajati. S poštovanjem, Milada Bošnjak Direktorica 164 Pleas April 13, 2006 Dear Sir, The sudden death of Mister Franjo Cvetkovic has put us all in grief. I am enclosing a letter for Mrs Cvetkovic and I would be grateful of you could personally deliver it to her. I believe it might be of some consollation that Franjo was respected by partners who knew him even for a very short time, and everyone will miss him greatly. Yours Sincerely, Milada Bosnjak Manager 165 Molba 24. Ovime potvrđujemo da još uvijek nismo dobili uplatu iznosa od 6. Prilažem neke relevantne dokumente i prepisku koja se odnosi na gore navedeno dugovanje. Zahvaljujemo Vam na pomoći. S poštovanjem, Refik Mišković Direktor 166 Pleas March 24, 2006 Your sign: GFk854796 The Subject: The bill No. I confirm that we have not received the receipt for the payment of 6. I am enclosing some relevantdocumentsandthecorrespondencereferringtotheabove-mentioned subject. I would like to thank you for your help. Sincerely yours, Refik Miskovic Manager 167 Molba 15. Željeli bismo razmotriti mogućnost otkupa duga našeg preduzeća, koje uspješno posluje već pet godina. Zbog planova proširenja, vjerojatno će nam trebati dodatni obrtni kapital. Nažalost, naša nam je banka odbila povećati kreditno zaduženje, pa smo htjeli s Vama dogovoriti otkup duga. Molim Vas da me nazovete kako bismo dogovorili sastanak i ugovorili mogućnost takvog finansijskog aranžmana. S poštovanjem, Adis Vrabac Finansijski direktor 168 Pleas The Subject: The enclosed buying off the debt Dear Sir, I got your name from Ivan Buzic, of Zedis STL d. We would like to consider the possibility of buying off the debts of our company, which has been working successfully for five years. Because of the enlargement plans, we would need additional capital. Unfortunately, our bank has refused to increase our credit loan, so we would like to discuss our debt with you. I am asking you to contact me so that we could schedule a meeting and dicuss the possibility of such financial arrangement. Sincerely yours, Adis Vrabac Financial Manager 169 Molba 28. Molimo Vas da nam javite koji bi bio dodatni trošak za to, a koja dodatna korist. Također, razmišljam o tome da povećam životno osiguranje vezano uz moje mirovinsko osiguranje s 250,00 na 500,00 KM. Molim Vas da mi javite koja bi bila razlika u mjesečnoj premiji za takvo povećanje. S poštovanjem, Kenan Torlak 170 Pleas February 28, 2006 The Subject: Retirement Insurance Dear Sir, I have studied once again our insurance policy. I am asking you to inform us about the addional costs and advantages. I am also thinking about increasing my life insurance connected with my retirement insurance from 250, 00 KM to 500, 00 KM. Would you please state the difference in the monthly premium for such an increase. Sincerely yours, Kenan Torlak 171 Molba 4. Pišem u skladu s članom 12 našeg Ugovora o najmu, po kojem moramo tražiti Vaše odobrenje želimo li izvršiti bilo kakve promjene. Predlažemo preuređenje tavanskog prostora u kancelarije i kuhinju. Prilažemo nacrte koje smo dali izraditi. Građevinsku dozvolu još uvijek nismo zatražili jer bismo se najprije željeli uvjeriti da nemate primjedbe na predložena poboljšanja. U nadi da će Vam se svidjeti naš prijedlog preuređenja radnih prostorija, jer ih oplemenjuje, očekujemo Vaš pristanak. Unaprijed se veselim Vašem odgovoru. S poštovanjem, Jadran Tolić 172 Pleas April 4, 2006 The Subject: Redecorating the Working Space Dear Sir, We would like to redecorate the working space, in order to improve the working conditions. I am writing in accordance with Point 12 in our Renting Contract, by which we have to ask for your approval if we want to make any changes. I am enclosing the redecoration of the attic space in the office and the kitchen. I am also enclosing the drawings. We have not asked for the building licence because we want to ensure that you no objections to the suggested improvements. Hoping that you will like our suggestion of redecorating the working space, because it improves them, I am expecting your approval.
I am looking forward to your answer and hope to be able to continue our cooperation in the future. Prije donošenja konačne odluke morao bih o tome porazgovarati i s ostalim kolegama koji su, nažalost, još desetak dana na godišnjem odmoru. Širom zemlje ljudi već zarađuju na ovaj način. Puno hvala na saradnji. I have read what such a process includes and I know that it requires the effort of the whole team to achieve such a standard and to understand the value of that achievement. Zamjenske proizvode poslat ćemo Vam što prije. Just as we have discussed, I would like you to take over the full responsibility for the following fields and to make sure that the goal we have set are achieved, starting with the 1 of April. Mogu Vas jedino zamoliti da primite naše izvinjenje zbog ove neugodnosti. Ne mogu Vam dati sveukupnu cijenu dok ne saznam šta sve trebate, jer ćemo morati dodati troškove prijevoza i pakiranja. Žao mi je zbog mogućih neugodnosti koje Vam je prouzrokovao naš propust. You are free to spend that money any way you want. S poštovanjem, Selver Hofić Direktor finansija 62 Information Dear Sir: You have not replies to any of our previous calls to pay the debt of 1.